Friday, August 08, 2008

Intercoms and txt notifications

Occasionally, while I've been waiting at Glen Eden, I've heard updates come over an intercom on the platform, telling everyone about a delay on our next service to Britomart "via Glen Innes"... what, wait a minute! Did they say Glen Innes?


So presumably the MC at the Central Control switch board gets confused about Auckland geography.... regularly. But this confirms there is a system to notify passengers standing on platforms about delays. The platform intercom never made a peep this morning. I guess it's possible the people in Glen Innes knew exactly what was going on though!

After this morning, I did some research on the web and discovered I could subscribe to a txt service provided by Veolia Transport, that will send notifications to my cell phone if there were going to be delays on my service.

For 20c I was able to subscibe to a message service for "Morning Commuter Peak" on the Western Line, and for another 20c I could get the afternoon commuter peak messages.

Apparently this has been on offer since 2004. I wonder why it's not more widely known, or maybe it is and I just didn't know. If it was so widely known though, why were so many people turning up for trains that weren't moving this morning?

I have my doubts about whether I'll ever get a useful txt, I guess in time I'll see if my 40c was well spent...

Com' on Veolia, prove me wrong.

Readers, I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Statler said...

As an update, I just got my first txt notification...

"Due to an earlier operational issue the 3.58pm Western line service from Britomart to Waitakere is running 15mins late"

This came in at 4.38pm. Not so helpful thanks Veolia!